English version installar of Sentech SDK could not start if name of installer contained folder includes Japanese characters or full-width characters.
Please change name of installer containing folder then installs it again.
It is possible to installed v3.09 or older StCamSWare on PC.
The installation folder for StGenTL.cti file is difference between v3.09 or older StCamSWare and Sentech SDK.
When both are installed, StViewer uses old version of StGenTL.cti then error occurs.
When this error message appears, please uninstall StCamSWare then installs v3.10 or latest StCamSWare if it is necessary.
Sentech SDK supports Python.
Please check version of Python then download necessary files from software download.
*It is necessary to install Sentech SDK to control camera with Python.
The camera settings on “Romote Device” are UserSet save settings.
The camera settings on other than “Remote Device” do not save to UserSet.
The camera settings on other than “Remote Device” need to set/select when it is necessary, or
it is necessary to make software with Sentech SDK, to save settings.
The sample programs of Sentech SDK are copied in below folder if installation folder did not change while Sentech SDK installation:
C:\Program Files\OMRON_SENTECH\SentechSDK\Development
When “Development” folder does not exist, re-install Sentech SDK with “Complete” installation type.
The folder for sample programs:
C:\Program Files\OMRON_SENTECH\SentechSDK\v(version)\Development\Sample
* The sample programs are zip format file. Please copy it to writable folder on PC then extracts it.
The folder for manual/help file:
C:\Program Files\OMRON_SENTECH\SentechSDK\v(version)\Development\Doc
Please refers “GigEActionCommand” sample program that is included in Sentech SDK.
The validated development environment is IDLE including Python.
USB3 Vision cameras and GigE Vision cameras are GenICam standard cameras.
GenICam standard based “Sentech SDK”, “StViewer” of Sentech SDK can use USB3 Vision cameras and GigE Vision cameras.
Please acquires image with viewing software of SDK, to make sure camera and environment do not have issue to acquire image.
The SDK based program has some issue, once confirmed camera and environment do not have issue with viewing software of SDK.
Please contact technical support with referenced sample program name, details of issue and error information.